I have been watching a number of Google's tech talks. The first one I watched was by Linus Torvalds on git. That was an informative talk with an overview of why you should pick git. I watched that a couple months ago.

Yesterday, I watched Randal Schwartz's talk on git which was more of an user level introduction to using git. I thought it was a good talk until he started rushing at the end because of the time constraint. Even so, it was well worth the time. I especially liked the part where he talks about the index.

Also yesterday, I watched Bram Moolenaar's talk on 7 habits for for effective text editing. Naturally as the author of vim, it was centered around vim. I think if your text editor doesn't have similar features to what he mentioned, you should find a new one. I'm not a heavy vim user but I thought it was also a good talk. I'll spoil some of the tips but it was worth the time: hlsearch, folding, ctrl-n, omni-completion, iabbrev, ctags, and so on.

The third video I watched yesterday (I was up until 3 a.m. watching Google videos) was on Python 3000 by Guido van Rossum. I haven't been paying much attention to Python 3.0 (aka Python 3000) so this was an interesting talk for me as well. I've used Python in the past and I'll probably use it in the future. I think what struck me was all the legacy parts to Python that are going to finally get eliminated. I have no intention in learning Ruby at this time because it looks so close to Python. Maybe Python will finally do everything right by itself.

Lately, I've been tempted towards coding Lisp and Haskell. There aren't as many Lisp or Haskell programmers so there are fewer libraries. However, I am very drawn to them both. I'm afraid to watch the rest of Simon Peyton-Jones' videos. He's a very energetic person and it's fun to watch his talks. I might not go to sleep!